To my ill-informed brethrens, she is THE Queen because she looks damn good doing this....
AND, she can do this.....can you? She IS the Niagara Falls of Female Orgasms! You can't fake that ladies and gentlemen.
There have been pretenders to the throne like the wannabe below...but Queen Cytherea rules!! Long live the Queen. She even has her own fan club. Queen C: 1, Queen E: 0
What is female ejaculation? Well, it's piss. Some girls can induce piss when they have orgasms. Unfortunately, I have yet to meet a Malaysian species that can orgasm AND voluntarily piss. Have you?
But, this I have done. If you finger a girl by hooking your fingers and thereby rubbing her g-spot, she WILL quiver and let out a bed shattering orgasm. (I assume I don't have to teach you foreplay before fingering her.) What's more interesting, she may also leak. WARNING: She will have the leaking sensation even after sex - which may be discomforting to her.
So, guys, be sensitive ok? Do it once for kicks, but have a heart.
So, guys, be sensitive ok? Do it once for kicks, but have a heart.
Back to Queen Cytherea and me. After a long day slogging in the office getting my backside screwed by the boss, this is what I want to come home to:
ME: Honey, I'm home.
QC: Come here baby, I have been sitting here like this waiting for you the whole day. I already had to change the bed sheet twice because I keep wetting myself thinking about you and you big little bird......ahh
ME: Sorry, hon, you know my boss, he is such a mother fucker. Keeping me late
QC: Well baby, I'm gonna make you forget everything. Especially the mother fucker.
ME: Oh yeah?
QC: Yeah baby, you are always in my heart. Now, I want you in my titties.
ME: Sweet.
ME: Sweet.
5 minutes later........
Final thoughts before I blank out: God, I thank You. No, seriously, thank you for a fucking life.
By the way, if you are lucky enough to meet QC.........DO NOT, I repeat - DO NOT be like the mother-fucker in the green T-shirt. He has QC all to himself, and where he touch her? The small of her back!! The small of her back???!!!! And her leg? Dammit, I do that to everygirl at Zouk all the time!!
Jesus Christ! WHAT ABOUT THAT ASS, MAN!!! That ass. LOSER "L".
PS: Sorry about the formatting guys. I'm just a fucking expert, no IT expert. Not sure what the fuck is wrong with the formatting on blogspot today.......